Saturday, 26 April 2014

Three angles

A puzzle recently posted in Enigmatic Code,  Enigma 1329: Height of ignorance, reminded me of a related puzzle:  For three squares laid side by side as shown in the diagram, prove tha α = β + γ

Clearly  α = 450. The obvious approach is to use multiple angle formulae, but there is a more elegant geometrical solution.

Click here to see the geometrical solution

The solution of this puzzle can be used to solve Enigma 1329.

There is also a simple solution using complex numbers which consists of 17 symbols

$(3+i)(2+i) = 5(1+i)$

Does this count as a haiku?

Monday, 7 April 2014

Countdown Numbers Game

Several people have already written programs based on the Numbers Game from the TV program Countdown, but anyway here is another one, written in Python.

As has been noted elsewhere, a set of 2 large + 4 small or 1 large + 5 small typically covers a large proportion of  target numbers (101 to 999), and there are typically many ways of expressing each target using some or all of the 6 numbers.

These sets each cover all targets from 101 to 999. The lists of solutions () contain all targets from 0 until a gap above 999 is reached:
 5   6   7   8   9   75  (five consecutive numbers) 

 2   5   7   8   9   10  (six small numbers) 

 4   7   7   10   25  100  (a repeated number) 

 6   7   7   9   9  100  is perhaps more noteworthy,  covering every target number except the number 367 

 8   9   25   50   75  100  is the best set containing all four large numbers, covering 885 targets  

The code constructs solutions for a few games that have appeared on the TV show:
  •  3   6   25   50   75  100 with a target of  952 the James Martin 952 game, which has 2 solutions, (3×75×(6+100)-50)÷25 which was found by the contestant, and 25+(6×75×(3+100))÷50.
  •  1   4   8   9   10   50  with a target of  500  ,possibly the easiset game ever?  for which my program finds 21 distinct solutions .
  •  Some games solved by George Ford , one of the best countdown contestants.

Most of the complexity of the program is to do with minimising brackets,
e.g. (((((6)+(7))-(9))×(7))×(9))-(100)=(6+7-9)×7×9-100
and avoiding solutions that are essentially the same, e.g. 152=(6+7-9)×7×9-100=(7-9+6)×9-100.

The program also excludes "frivolous" solutions that contain an expression that equates to zero, e.g. 500 = (9-8-1)×4+50×100, solutions that involve multiplying or dividing by 1, e.g. 500 = (9-8)×50×100 or 500 = 50×100÷1 and solutions that have other redundancies, e.g. 500 = 9+10×50-1-8. 

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from itertools import combinations

def wrap(t, condition=True):
    return ''.join(["(",t,")"]) if condition else t

def expressions( A, processed=set() ):
  """ initially, A is an array of numbers

   In recursive calls, A is an array of tuples (n,t,o,x,y,h) where
   n is a number,
   t is a text expression of n,
   o is the last operation applied to x,y to produce n = xoy
   h is the history of the expression, containing all the numbers produced in the construction
     of the expression
  if type(A[0])==int: # inital call, so convert to array of tuples
    A = [ (A[i],str(A[i]),"",0,0, frozenset((A[i],)) ) for i in xrange(len(A))]
  else: # recursive call, so return the expression formed in the parent
    n,t,o,x,y,h = A[0]
    if (n,t) not in processed:
      yield A[0]
      processed.add( (n,t) )