While trying to solve the "Squares on a Cube" puzzle on
Center, I became sidetracked into writing an efficient program
to produce the prime factors of a number, an exercise that most
programmers will have attempted at some time.
The hybrid Python / C++ code presented here combines well known
techniques, Miller Rabin and Brent's variation of Pollard Rho, together with a modern fast
technique for modular reduction developed by Rutten and Eekelen.
Python implementation
After a bit of experimenting, I settled on this mixture for a Python
- Lookup tables for numbers below 106
- Trial division of primes below 300
- Miller-Rabin primality test (deterministic up to the published
- Brent's variant of the Pollard Rho algorithm, by default
running for up to 1 second
- Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) if the Brent algorithm fails to
find a factor within its time limit.
C++ implementation
While the Python version is reasonably fast, a C++ version is
much faster. My C++ code factors numbers below 2
64, where
Brent Pollard Rho can be used without having to use ECM or Multiple
Polynomial Quadratic Sieve.
The performance of Brent Pollard Rho and Miller Rabin is ultimately
dominated by modular multiplication, so any improvement of modular
multiplication time is reflected in the overall performance of the
factorisation algorithm. Here are my attempts to speed up
modular multiplication:
I. Shift and add
To calculate $a \times b$ mod $m$ I initially used an intricate, and
relatively slow, shift and add method. Several implementations of this can be found on the internet. The version I used was stolen
from Craig McQueen's
post on stackexchange. This version is
valid for any $ m < 2^{64} $
Function modmulSA implements this
II, Repeated reduction of most significant 64 bits
My first attempt to speed up modular multiplication, valid
for a modulus $m < 2^{63}$, uses the following techniques:
a) Division by multiplication
If a modulus of the same denominator needs to be obtained many
times, as in the Brent algorithm and the Miller Rabin test, an
efficient technique is to construct an inverse $M=2^k/m$ of
the denominator $m$ once (M is often termed a "magic number"),
then perform division by $m$ by multiplying the numerator by M and
bit shifting to divide by $2^k$. Of course it's a bit more
complicated than that, and is described comprehensively by Henry
S. Warren Jr in Hackers Delight, (Chapter 10, Integer
Division by Constants), and explained in a readable form by
Ridiculous Fish in Labor of Division (Episode I).
C++ functions magicu2 and magicdiv (stolen from Hackers Delight)
and magicmod implement these techniques.
b) Modular multiplication
- Reduce a and b modulo m (using the
division by multiplication technique)
- Construct the product $c = a \times
b$. If $a$ and $b$ are 64 bit numbers, $c$ is a 128 bit
number. I used the MS VC++ intrinsic function for this
calculation, but if this is not available, Hackers Delight function mulul64 can be used.
- Repeatedly find the most
significant 64 bits of $c$ and reduce them modulo $m$ (again
using division by multiplication), until c is reduced to a
number less than $m$
Function modmulRR implements this technique.
III, Assembler
On 64 bit Intel processors, the multiply instruction multiplies two
64 bit numbers and stores the 128 bit result in two registers,
rdx:rax. The divide instruction divides a 128 bit number stored in
rdx:rax by a 64 bit number and stores the 64 bit quotient in rax and
the 64 bit remainder in rdx.
So these instruction are ideal for modular multiplication. However,
the intrinsic function to perform division of a 128 bit number is
not available in MS Visual Studio, so a few lines of assembler
(mod64.asm) have to be written.
The assembler version has the advantage of being valid for a modulus
up to $2^{64}-1$, and is noticeably faster than repeated reduction,
and of course much faster than the shift and add method.
Function modmulAS is the C interface to this function.
IV. Rutten-Eekelen
An even faster method of modular multiplication than assembler, for
a modulus $m<2^{63}$, uses the algorithm described in
formally proven reduction of large integers by small moduli by
Luc M. W. J. Rutten and Marko C. J. D. van Eekelen. This method
requires the pre-calculation of a similar, but slightly different,
magic number to the one described above, and then makes use of this
number in an intricate algorithm whose correctness has been verified
using a computer generated proof.
Function modmulRE implements this function.
This graph shows the average time
to factor numbers in the range $10^n$ to $10^n+10000$
(giving a representative mix of easy and hard
factorisations) for all my C++ versions, and for reference,
a Python implementation of Brent Pollard and Miller Rabin.
The graph shows that the shift and add version has
performance no better than the Python version, and that the
Rutten-Eekelen version beats the Assembler version, for
numbers below $2^{63}$ |
C++ /
Python integration
The ctypes module integrates Python with a DLL of the C++
implementation. Calling a DLL from Python incurs an overhead
of about 1.5µs, so it is faster to use the Python implementation for
small numbers that are factored using a lookup table. For larger
numbers, the overhead soon becomes negligible compared to the time
to factorise the number.
Rutten-Eekelen has the best performance for a modulus $m<2^{63}$,
even beating the assembler version. For a modulus $2^{63} \le m \lt
2^{64}$ the assembler version is fastest, so the final C++ version
called from Python uses a hybrid of these two methods.
To verify that the Brent Pollard
Rho algorithm copes with difficult cases, this graph shows
the average and worst case times to factorise numbers within
$ \pm 5000$ of various baselines.
Note the jump in worst case factorisation times for numbers
$ \ge 2^{63}$, where the algorithm switches from
Rutten-Eekelen to Assembler.
The worst cases are listed
All the source code is located here, except for the optional ECM algorithm,
for which I used the Sourceforge implementation pyecm.py.
A stand-alone
Python module, factors.py can be run without the
C++ DLL or the ECM module being present.
This module has the following principal functions:
returns a list of all the factors of n
The function chooses whether to use the Python or C++
version depending on the size of n. |
all_factors(12) |
[1,2,3,4,6,12] |
returns the Euler totient function |
totient(30) |
8 |
returns a list of the prime factors of n
maxBrentTime determines how many seconds the Brent algorithm
should run before reverting to ECM (if available).
The function chooses whether to use the Python or C++
version depending on the size of n. |
factorise(12) |
[2,2,3] |
A DLL, FactorsDLL.dll, built
on Windows 7 64 bit, is included, together with a Python module factorsDLL.py
to call the DLL from Python. I'm not sure whether the DLL will
work on other machines. In case it doesn't, the source code to
build the DLL is also included.
The Miller Rabin test can occasionally
derive a factor of a composite number, when testing witness $a$
for the primality of $n$ encouters the situation
\ne \pm 1$ mod $n$ and $a^{2^{r+1}d} =1$ mod $n$
In this situation $gcd(a^{2^rd}-1,n)$ produces a factor of $n$. I
have included this test, even though the condition rarely occurs
in practice.
The Brent Pollard Rho algorithm occasionally fails to find a factor
of a composite, so I simply run the algorithm again. The random
selection of parameters seems to ensure that the algorithm does not
have to be run too many times to obtain a factor.
Even though the program vastly reduced the time to factorise a
number, I still haven't solved the Contest Center problem that
motivated me to write it.